Fisher Sculpture

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Lesson 4 : Life drawing

(the life drawing on the blog post is by Pierre - Paul Prud'hon)

Drawing from a life model is an another need. 

You want to draw from a life model at least once a week.  Try to find life drawing classes at your local art community centers, art academies/ateliers,  or universities.  These community centers are generally very cheap and there are not many people drawing from the model. Practice your constructive anatomy/wedges from the Bridgman books, and use your anatomy books to decipher what that bump is. The gesture or the quick poses are great practice as well, its all about the spirit of the pose and then adding some of your constructive anatomy over top.

Workshops are incredibly helpful, study with the instructors I listed on the previous blogs. A good critique during your studies from a "real" working artist who is an art instructor as well is an amazing experience and I strongly suggest you make it happen.